Young Israel of Greater Pittsburgh

Location ID# 4373
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5831 Bartlett Street  
Pittsburgh, PA 15217 USA

(412) 421 0508   (412) 327 8166

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Please use the listings in this database as a general guide. As shiur times may change on short notice, always call first before attending a new shiur for the first time.

To edit a shiur listing, mouse over the shiur and click the "Edit Shiur" button. To add a new shiur to Young Israel of Greater Pittsburgh, use the submission form.

Daf Yomi

Sunday at 9:00 pm
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Shiur ID# 1556
Added: 8/15/2012

Led by: Rabbi Shimon Silver

Notes: Shiur for Men, given in English.   

Daf Yomi

Sunday at 7:15 am
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Shiur ID# 1555
Added: 8/15/2012

Led by: Rabbi Shimon Silver

Notes: Shiur for Men, given in English.   

Daf Yomi

Daily at 8:00 pm
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Shiur ID# 1553
Updated: 5/20/2014

Led by: Rabbi Shimon Silver

Notes: Shiur for Men, given in English.  (8:00 PM in Winter; 45 minutes before Mincha in Summer, After Maariv in Spring and Fall)