ahavath achim
american healthware mincha minyan
bais halevi
bais hamedrash ohr avraham radvil
bais yisroel of kensington
beis medrash zichron rabeinu moshe (bmzrm)
beth haknesseth ohr hamizrach
birns telecom
certified alarm distributors
congregation agudath sholom of flatbush
congregation chevra gemiluth chesed
congregation lev someach alesk
congregation palm gardens (brooklyn nursing home)
congregation supporters of torah
congregation tifereth tomor devora
emet ve emunah bukharian jewish community
flatbush jewish center
khal bais hillel
khal lev avrohom
khal machzeh avrohom
khal zichron moshe mikolayev
kollel eliezer yaakov (lisker)
ocean parkway jewish center mevakshei hashem
true care
true care mincha minyan
yeshiva torah vodaath
young israel of kensington