adas israel
agudas yisroel bircas yaakov of passaic park
ahavas israel
aisle one supermarket
bais dovid
bais medrash ahavas torah
bais medrash l'torah
bais medrash zichron eliezer
bais torah utefilah
bais yosef
beis chabad passaic\clifton
beis shmuel tzvi (khal yereim)
bleam doors & mouldings
brook haven
carlebach minyan of passaic/clifton
dayton ave mincha / arvit
eitz chaim
k'hal tiferes boruch
khal bnei aliya
khal bnei hayeshivos
khal shaarei avraham
kol yeshuren
kol yeshurun
kollel choshen mishpat of passaic-clifton
sephardic congregation of passaic clifton
tifereth israel
vasikin minyan of passaic/clifton
ybh of passaic
yeshiva gedolah of passaic
yeshiva ner boruch - pti
young israel of passaic-clifton