123 grove
499 chestnut mincha minyan
agudath israel of the five towns
bais medrash ostrove-kalushin of cedarhurst
beit midrash hachaim vehashalom non-stop minyanim (kollel yeshiva)
cedarhurst minyan
chabad of the five towns
chofetz chaim torah center
congregation eitz chaim
congregation tifereth zvi
judaica plus
kahal anshei emes
kbyt neitz minyan
kehilas bais yisroel
kehilas tiferes mordechai
kehillas ahavas yisrael (k.a.y.)
kehillas bais yehudah tzvi of cedarhurst(red shul)
lifehouse minyan (spruce street minyan)
non-stop minyanim
samson shiva minyan
shaare emunah/sephardic congregation of five towns
suite 205 winter mariv
white drive minyan
yeshiva ner shlomo
young israel of lawrence and cedarhurst