365 rt 59 mincha
adas yereim- viener schul
agudath israel
ahavas torah
ahavas yitzchak
altneu shul of blueberry hill
anshei sfard d'monsey
apter mincha minyan
astor place synagogue
bais aharon
bais eliyahu
bais hamedrish netzach yisrael - forshay shul
bais hasforim
bais medrash elyon
bais medrash ohr chaim (scheiner)
bais medrash shaarei tefillah
bais medrash torah utefilla
bais meir chevras shas
bais shmuel kasho
bais tefilla
bais yosef meir
be'er mayim chaim shul
beis hamedrash toldos yakov yosef skver
beth israel (bais yisroel)
birkas hanachal breslov
bnei torah- minyan vasikin of monsey
boruch taam
chabad of olympia
chasidei bobov of monsey
chassidei bayan
chernobel monsey ביהמ"ד מנורת אהרן טשערנאביל מאנסי
community synagogue of monsey
cong ohel yaakov
cong ohr yehoshua
cong. & yeshiva zichron yeshaia
cong. kochvei yitzchok d'bobov monsey
congregation ashar hadar
congregation bais menachem
congregation bais menachem lubavitch
congregation chasdei gur
congregation ezer l'yehudah
congregation mikdash dovid
congregation toras chemed nitra
culinary depot
cyl satmer remsen binyan shiff
derech emes
divriey amuna
emunas yisroel monsey
feldheim outlet - monsey
fountainview at college road
heichal menachem
k'hal zichron avraham d'mada
k'hal zichron be'er
k'hal zichron yitzchok
karlin stolin
kedushas baruch
kehal avriechim - rav schneebalg
kehal chareidim
kehilas bais avrohom
kehillas netzach yisrael
khal adas chasidim
khal adath jeshurun of monsey
khal bais elazar zichron moshe
khal eitz chaim
khal torath chaim viznitz
khal zchor l'avraham (formerly derech emes)
khal zichron michoel
kollel shas keren torah
kollel torah shlaima
lishkas hasofer
main st travel
malbush tzvi krali
mekor chaim
merkaz hatorah
mesivta beis dovid
mesivta beth shraga
mesivta ziv hatorah
monsey kosher plaza
monsey town square
nachlas mordechai tzvi kashuy
northern metropolitan
ohaiv yisrael
ohel torah
ohr yitzchak radvil
ohr yosef yampoleh
or torah shatz
outreach center
pupa bhm''d
robert pitt
sanz - shefa chaim
sasov cong. tamar of monsey
satmar 306
sephardic beit medrash and cong. of rockland cty.
skver shteebel - roman
tefilla ldovid
tehilas shlomo
the kerestir shul
the kloiz
tiferes gedalya
tosh monsey
trisk tolno
tzemach tzedek lubavitch
urban square
village green shul
viznitz talmud torah
vyoel moshe d'satmar
yeshiva d'monsey
yeshiva gedolah kesser torah
yeshiva ohel torah
yeshiva ohr hatorah
yeshiva ohr somayach
yeshivas or hameir
yeshivas shaar efrayim
yeshivas ziv hatorah
yetev lev d'satmar
yotzer oir salka
young israel of monsey & wesley hills
zville monsey